What Is HARO Link-Building?

Link Building

What Is HARO Link-Building?

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Link-building is a vast field; there’s a plethora of opportunities a brand can utilise to grow its online presence and hence, boost its sales. Building backlinks for SEO growth is a complex process; there are a ton of different aspects that you need to take into consideration, and resultantly, there are a lot of different opportunities as well! One of these link-building opportunities is HARO link-building. This might be a term that you don’t hear that often. Well, that’s partly because it isn’t as ‘mainstream’ as other link-building techniques, and it might not be as rewarding as, say, editorial link-building. But nevertheless, it is still a link-building opportunity that you definitely don’t want to miss out on!

What Does HARO Mean?

HARO stands for Help A Reporter Out. Simply put, HARO is a popular online service that allows journalists to connect with verified sources to get valuable information for their stories. It allows journalists to post queries about specific topics they are researching, and sources can respond to those queries with their expertise in that specific niche. 

HARO is an excellent tool for businesses to gain more exposure and build high-quality backlinks to their websites for SEO growth. Your website needs to have a good reputation in the community for reporters to reach out to you and for them to take your answer as credible information that they’d be happy to link to. 

So, now that you’ve gotten an idea about what HARO is, we can get into some more details here. 

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How Does HARO Work?

At this point, you’re obviously wondering how HARO link-building works and how exactly it helps with my site’s SEO. We’ve compiled a step-by-step process of HARO link-building for your ease; take a look:

  • Signing Up For HARO

The first step is to sign up for HARO as a source. It’s a simple process that requires you to enter basic information about yourself and your business. Once you’re all signed up, you’ll start receiving almost three emails a day from HARO with a variety of queries from journalists.

Pretty simple, right? Let’s keep moving.

  • Identifying Relevant Queries

The second step is to identify relevant HARO queries that you can respond to. It’s essential that you only respond to queries that are relevant to your business’s niche. You can use keywords related to your business to filter the queries and only respond to those that match your niche.

  • Crafting A Compelling Pitch

Once you’ve identified a relevant query, the next step is to create a compelling pitch that will grab the journalist’s attention! Your pitch should be concise and has to tempt the journalist, highlighting your expertise and how it relates to the query. It’s essential to provide unique valuable insights or opinions that the journalist can use in their article.

This one sounds a bit like blogger outreach, doesn’t it? Let’s take a look at the next stage.

  • Placing Your Website’s Link!

Ensure that whenever you answer a HARO query, always include a link to your website. This link will serve as a backlink to your website, which can improve your SEO. Be sure to include a relevant link that adds value to the article and doesn’t just seem like self-promotion or, worse, spam.

  • Following Up

Make sure that you follow up on the queries you responded to. This can serve as a polite reminder for the HARO journalist that you just pitched to. A follow-up can also allow you to offer more information on the topic.

So, this is how the entire HARO process works. Now that you’ve understood what it is and how it works, let’s take a look at some of the major benefits of HARO link-building!

Benefits Of HARO Link-Building

Even though HARO backlinks aren’t considered as effective as other link-building techniques, there are still a lot of benefits to HARO link-building; take a look:

  • Improved SEO!

HARO link-building can improve a website’s SEO by generating high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites. Search engines consider the amount and the quality of backlinks when determining a website’s ranking in SERPs, and having backlinks from reputable sources can enhance a website’s authority and relevance.

  • More Traffic

HARO backlinks can drive more traffic to your website by engaging the audience of the HARO journalist who includes the backlink to your website in their article. This can increase the exposure of your website and potentially generate more leads!

  • Amplified Brand Credibility

Being featured in an article can increase a business’s brand awareness and credibility, which can lead to more trust and customer loyalty. Your brand will have a much more credible and trusted outlook when journalists refer to your information as a credible source!


HARO link-building is among the SEO link-building techniques that you can utilise you boost your brand awareness and, resultantly, generate more leads. This article is intended to give you all the information you need on HARO backlinks and why they’re important to amplify your brand credibility! Link-building can be a hassle to deal with, and you need a lot of expertise to do it right. So, why not hire professionals like us to do it for you? We’ve been building high-quality, authoritative backlinks for businesses of all niches! Get in touch with us now and order the best link-building services on the market.


  • wajid

    Wajid, a dedicated writer at OutreachGirls.com, shares expert tips on outreach strategies and marketing techniques. His articles aim to empower readers with practical advice for effective communication and growth.

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