Learn The Best Types Of Backlinks For SEO

Link Building, SEO

Learn The Best Types Of Backlinks For SEO

Learn The Best Types Of Backlinks For SEO
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Backlinks are quite literally one of the essential factors in improving SEO rankings and enhancing your online presence! Using other websites, directories and forums to build backlinks for your site is an incredibly rewarding technique of online growth which also directly helps in building sustainable relationships in the community. There are even various types of backlinks that are best suited for your particular site!

SEO link building is a complex process that involves taking a lot of different aspects into consideration. Thus, in order to create a backlink for your site that actually works, there are a few things you might want to learn before you continue. Most importantly, you need to know about the various types of backlinks so you can use them to your advantage. So, without further to do, let’s start with the basics first.

What Are Backlinks? Why Are They So Important?

If you were wondering what are website backlinks, this section is for you. The concept is straightforward, links integrated into a website that links to another website are backlinks. Backlinks are one of the most rewarding online growth techniques and a massive factor in boosting your SEO rankings!

The reason why backlinks are so important is that it not only allows you to establish trust with your audience by partnering with other reputable and famous brands, but it also enhances your brand visibility. And that’s not even the best part yet. Quality backlinks are like a digital thumbs-up for search engines to trust your site. This allows your site to be ranked high in SERPs!

So, what more could you want? Backlinks are exactly what you need to ensure the success of your online growth strategies, and we are here to help! Now that we know what backlinks are and the importance they have, let’s get into some more detail and learn about the different types of backlinks.

Best Types Of Backlinks For SEO!

In case you didn’t know, there are actually several types of links you can use for SEO link building. You need to be able to clearly distinguish between the types of backlinks in order to take advantage of opportunities. Simply increasing backlinks to your site isn’t the answer; you have to use the right type of link at the right place! So, to create a backlink, let’s first look into the best types of backlinks for SEO.

1. Editorial Backlinks

Editorial backlinks are the most rewarding backlinks in the link building world. If you aren’t familiar with what editorial backlinks are, they are essentially a reward for your unique content or infographics or anything that’s exceptional and provides a unique insight into something. Reputable sites reach out to you and ask you to include your link in their post. Isn’t that swell? Well, this can only happen if you have something amazing to offer.

So, focus on writing exceptional content or create incredibly attractive infographics on topics that are trending and what brands will look to include in their posts. The concept is to create something that people will want to reference in their work!

2. Guest Posting Backlinks

Guest blogging is a very effective technique for building relationships in the blogger community! Networking with other website owners can be beneficial to your website’s rankings because it enhances your site’s credibility in the eyes of search engine algorithms. So, one of the types of backlinks is to write a guest post for another website with your link integrated into it!

Ensure that your content is engaging and attractive to the readers, so they’re tempted to click on your link. If you’re looking for world-class content writers that can deliver exceptional guest posts in over 50 languages for 100+ countries, our guest posting service is exactly what you need. OutreachGirls has experience in writing for businesses of all niches!

3. Business Profile Backlinks

One of the simplest ways of link building, and the next on our list of types of backlinks, is business profile backlinks. The concept behind these links couldn’t be simpler. What you do is create online business profiles for your business on reputable social media sites, online directories that suit your particular industry, or anything that you find trustworthy and has the option of adding a business description.

After that, you simply add your website’s link in the description. Most sites even have a dedicated option for adding your business’s website. This allows search engines to trust your site as they’re linked to these reputable platforms!

4. Guest Post Bio Backlinks

No, this isn’t a repeatable one. Guest posts and guest post bios are different. Some websites don’t allow you to post your link inside the content itself. So, how do you create a backlink with a site like that? You can add your site’s link in the guest post bio section if that’s the case. Of course, this wouldn’t be as effective as, say, your link placed right in the middle of your content, but it’ll still be there.

5. Free Tool Backlinks

Continuing with our examples of backlinks, another important type of backlink you can utilise is a mention of a free tool that your website provides. This can literally be any tool as long as it’s relevant and stands a chance of being linked by reputable sites.

6. Acknowledgement Backlinks

Acknowledgement backlinks, as the name suggests, are when you get linked for an acknowledgement by another website. Most commonly, these are various events or stories in which websites can earn an acknowledgement and can be mentioned by the event organisers. If you’re still learning how to create backlinks for SEO or if your site hasn’t had an acknowledgement backlink yet, you can analyse your competitors and see how and where they score these backlinks!

7. Webinar Backlinks

The next on our list is webinar backlinks. If your brand is good at making videos, you can easily score webinar backlinks for your site. Websites use webinars in their content to make it more attractive, and this is where your backlink can be created. These webinars contain a direct link back to your site. So, look for websites that lack a video element to their content and offer them your webinars.

8. Press Release Backlinks

Press releases, even though not as mainstream as they once were, can allow you to build backlinks. PR websites usually alert customers using press releases of new products, a store’s new opening, or even a piece of sponsorship news. You can reach out to these outlets to write and build backlinks to your website.

9. Comment (Forum) Backlinks

This doesn’t need any further explanation, does it? Strategically placing comments with your links in them on reputable and high-ranking forums scores you decent backlinks. But we have to stress the fact that this strategy has to be done in a delicate way and definitely not often; otherwise, it can be considered spam.

10. Niche Edit Backlinks

What if your selected prospect doesn’t need guest posts, infographics, or anything really? What do you do? Well, you can do some old-fashioned manual blogger outreach and pitch ideas to them about placing your site’s link in their existing content. This is called a niche edit; it’s one of the quickest and simplest ways of SEO link building!

Niche edits allow you to create a backlinks network that you can use to build trust and credibility for your website! If you want professionals to handle your niche edits, order our niche edit services that get real results!

11. Local Directory Backlinks

High-ranking local business directories are among the best backlink sites on the internet! These websites are business directories with listings of various businesses, which audiences can easily find. You can add your website’s link to your business listing and build backlinks with these reputable high-traffic local directories.

You can order our local citation services to ensure that your citations are accurately listed in reputable, high-ranking directories!

To Sum Up

This guide aims to deliver everything you need to know about how to do backlinking by taking on the types of backlinks. If you were wondering how to create a backlink, this guide contains vital information about building backlinks SEO and which one’s the right strategy for you! Or, you can just let us do it for you!

You can hire our experienced professionals who have been building quality backlinks for businesses of all kinds worldwide! OutreachGirls has been in the industry for over 12 years, and we aim at delivering exceptional link building services. Get in touch with us now.


  • wajid

    Wajid, a dedicated writer at OutreachGirls.com, shares expert tips on outreach strategies and marketing techniques. His articles aim to empower readers with practical advice for effective communication and growth.

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